Automated Surface Inspection

How Goodyear is improving tyre life with AI

Friday 25th September, 2020

goodyear tyre inspection

At Shelton, we discuss the latest advancements in AI and automated inspection systems regularly on our blog. It’s common for us to talk about how this ever-growing industry can help streamline production lines, decrease defects and increase efficiency. But, they do much more, and in other parts of the automotive industry (for instance).

Earlier this year, Goodyear Tyre launched a complete tyre management system for their commercial fleets to significantly help reduce downtime and improve fleet operations. It allows Goodyear to keep tabs on their tyres and uncovers in-depth information to conduct tyre services where needed – which is extremely convenient.

They have split the Tyre Management into four main products. “Goodyear Tyre Optix”, “Goodyear CheckPoint”, “Goodyear TPMS Plus” and “Goodyear TyreReady”. We’ll discuss the first three of these below.

Goodyear Tyre Optix is a digital inspection toolset that’s been developed to help fleets accurately detect data related to critical tyre parameters like tread depth, tyre wear or pressure. It opens up the opportunity for real-time and instant inspection results.

Secondly, there’s Goodyear CheckPoint which is a drive-over reader device for tyre pressure and tread depth. You place it at the entrance of a fleet yard to analyse passing trucks/lorries. If data is detected that needs assistance, alerts are sent directly to the maintenance team. Not only is this brilliant for quick inspections, but it provides an overall picture of tyre health across their fleets, which can be analysed for longer term useful data. Thirdy, Goodyear TPMS Plus which is an on-vehicle device monitoring tyre conditions – which focuses on tyre air leaks and predicting maintenance analytics to avoid breakdowns.

All in all, these new processes are helping their fleets develop a greater understanding of tyre costs and allowing issues to be identified and flagged. Additionally, it creates long term data which can be analysed for future reference. Already Goodyear have said that they’ve reduced emergency spend and enhanced tyre life.

There are many ways AI and defect detection can help benefit your business. This is one of many examples from the world’s leading businesses. Like to know more? Get in touch.

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